Concerts, recitals, music videos …
Great potential
The Amber Palace is the perfect place to organize unusual events and events. Space, excellent acoustics and elegant interiors favor events such as concerts, recitals, balls and themed evenings, artistic events. Great atmosphere, wonderful gardens and professional service is a guarantee of success!
Polish boysband
Accompanied by excellent violinists and a cellist, a cadre was formed after the frame shot for the music video “You Love Me” by the band Se7en. How was it? Great atmosphere, unrestrained fun and amazing energy
Disco Polo
After Party
The music video of the song “She Likes Oranges” by the AFTER PARTY group was recorded in the Amber Palace due to its interesting architecture and beautiful interiors. No wonder – this is the perfect place for such an important wedding celebration, but will the marriage vow be made?
Disco Polo
After Party
Scenes from the music video for the song “She likes oranges” by the AFTER PARTY group were recorded in the Amber Palace due to its interesting architecture and beautiful interiors. No wonder – it’s the perfect place for such an important ceremony as a wedding, but will the marriage vows be made?
Contact us
If you are interested in organizing a concert, recording a music video, reportage or have an idea for an unusual event in our Palace, call us, we will find the right solution

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